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Rent refund in Sweden.

9 out of 10 living in a second-hand rental pay too much rent. According to Swedish law, you have the right to reclaim money from your landlord.

About Orimlig Hyra

Rent refund in Sweden - Are you paying too much for your second-hand apartment?

You are not alone, as many as 9 out of 10 pay too high a sublet rent and actually have the legal right to get back part of the rent that has been added on top of the regular rent.

Orimlig Hyra is the company that helps sub-tenants get that money back in a quick and simple way. We pay you the money back within 48 hours, which means that we buy your case and take care of the entire legal process without you having to lift a finger.

The application only takes ten minutes and all you have to do is attach the lease agreement and proof that you have paid rent for the months you want to get money back from.

In this way, we hope to do justice to sub-tenants and reduce the long housing queues by making it impossible to sub-let their tenancy to make money.

Man går på gatan i gamla stan stockholm

The advantages of applying via Orimlig Hyra are many and we have hundreds of satisfied users. If you apply via Orimlig Hyra, this means that:

  • You don't have to wait - money within 48 hours
  • Keep the money regardless of the outcome
  • You don't have to be a part of the legal process
  • You don't have to confront the landlord
  • Receive an average of 20% higher payout than you had received if you would have applied by yourself

Apply now

The process with Orimlig Hyra

This is how easy it is

Forget complicated application forms and long processing times. We have listened to thousands of subtenants and developed a simple solution for quick repayment of excess rent.

Orimlig Hyra Par sitter i soffan i sin andrahandslägenhet och tittar på mobilen

Apply easily

Apply by answering a few simple questions about your housing situation and attaching the lease and rent payments.

Feedback within 24 hours

We will review your application and get back to you if you are eligible for a refund within 24 hours.

Orimlig Hyra - En kvinna på en buss kollar på sin mobiltelefon
Tre kvinnor kollar på en mobiltelefon och ser upprymda ut

Money in your bank account within 48 hours!

After an approved application, you will receive the money within 48 hours. You are now done with the matter and keep your money regardless of the outcome in the rent tribunal (Hyresnämnden).

After receiving rent money back

We proceed to work on your case

When you have received your money, Orimlig Hyra continues with your case without your involvement. We manage all contact with the rent tribunal and your landlord.

Kundtjänstmedarbetare sitter vid datorn
Flera personer vid ett bord med papper på

Time for hearing

One of our lawyers participates in the hearing. The rent tribunal listens to the arguments of both sides and makes a decision if the landlord has taken excess rent. You keep your money regardless of the rent tribunal's decision.

Landlord pays Orimlig Hyra

After the hearing, the rent tribunal makes a decision. If the rent tribunal decides that the landlord must repay the excess rent, the landlord pays Orimlig Hyra.

Handskakning i rätten

Listen to one of our users' experience with Orimlig Hyra

Say hi to one of our clients who got her money back after paying too much rent. It is illegal to pay a higher rent for a second-hand contract than what the landlord is paying himself. According to Swedish law, tenants can reclaim that money back.

Calculate how much you are entitled to

Pengar inom 48 h

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