En rosa soffa i ett grönmålat rum

About us

The story behind Orimlig Hyra

We are here to help you.

About Orimlig Hyra

We fight for a fair housing market

Orimlig Hyra is a Swedish company that, through a digital application process, helps subtenants get their excess rent back within 48 hours.

The Swedish Tenancy Act requires rent to be fair, but for many subtenants, the reality looks different. That's why Orimlig Hyra was started in 2017. We've listened to thousands of second-hand tenants and created a unique solution to a common problem. We fight for a fair housing market where the rent is reasonable for everyone.

Fönster med hissgardin i lägenhet med vita väggar

We know how difficult it can be to get a first-hand contract in Sweden. We also know the consequences when people are forced to pay unreasonable high rent on the second-hand market. Through our solution, we want to contribute to an improved housing market, with shorter housing queues and reasonable rents.

How it works


Swedish kronor repaid to subtenants


cases won


rating on Trustpilot

We who work here

The team at Orimlig Hyra

The team at Orimlig Hyra works hard to bring justice to sub-tenants who have fallen victim to unreasonable rent. You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions!


Alban Dautaj

CEO & Managing Partner

Rawaz Rashid

Rawaz Rashid

Chief Financial Officer

Felicia Grönlund

Felicia Grönlund

Chief Coordinator

Welat Kavak

Welat Kavak

Chief Operating Officer

Dag Eriksson Alvarez

Dag Eriksson Alvarez

Chief Marketing Officer

Rreze Dautaj

Rreze Dautaj

Chief Communications Officer

Ivan Djelevic

Ivan Djelevic

Case management

Ava Setayesh

Ava Setayesh


Viktoria Nordqvist

Viktoria Nordqvist


Wilma Pettersson

Wilma Pettersson


Björn Klöv Nilsson

Björn Klöv Nilsson


Gustaf Segerström

Gustaf Segerström



Sebastian Saint Just


Ellen Tholsby

Ellen Tholsby

Digital marketing

Örn Segerstedt

Örn Segerstedt

Web developer

Felicia Ek Fadaei

Felicia Ek Fadaei

Student employee

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Porträtt av Alban Dautaj

"During my time as a law student, I learned that charging unreasonably high rents is not allowed by law and that the excess rent can be reclaimed. Unfortunately, it is a difficult and tedious process, and few people are aware that it is possible.

Later I discovered that companies can actually buy people's legal claims, or in simpler terms, take over the right to pursue the case in court. I immediately realized that a similar concept would be perfect to also recover illegally high rents and make it easier for people who paid too much on the secondary market. That way, they can get their money straight away by letting a company take care of the difficult and time-consuming legal process.

This led me and some friends to found Orimlig Hyra (Which translates as "Unreasonable Rent" in Swedish), with a vision of an improved and fairer housing market in Sweden!"

- Alban Dautaj, co-founder of Orimlig Hyra

How can we help you?

Send a message

Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or want to know more about us!

Contact us

Contact us for questions about excess rents, your application or if you want to repay an excess rent.

Lilla Nygatan 14, 111 28 Stockholm

You are welcome to visit our office on weekdays between 10:00 - 16:00.


Do you want to work with us? Welcome with your application to the email address above!

08-33 35 11

Telephone hours: weekdays 09:00-17:00


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